LABEX-EFL is recruiting a candidate for a 3-year PhD.
The thesis will focus on one of the 6 themes below, all belonging to Axis 1 "Experimental Phonetics and Phonology
1. LABFIELD : Bringing the lab into the field
2. PHUCS : Phonological units: content and structure
3. PROVS : Prosodic variation and structuring
4. SPEL : Speech Production in Learner Varieties
5. CIVI : Coordination in verbal interactions
6. PATH : From normal to pathological: variations of voice and speech
Recruitment procedure: please send your application including the documents below to Rachid Ridouane ( and to the contacts of the theme you are applying for.
The application file must contain :
- A complete description of the PhD project (~ 5 pages) including: title; name(s) of supervisor(s); brief abstract; scientific background/status of the art; objectives and hypotheses; methodology; expected results; relevance of the project to Axis 1; proposed timeline.
- A CV, a cover letter, two letters of recommendation, a list of courses taken in the Master's program and their evaluation, and a copy of the degrees obtained.
Deadline for submission: June 5, 2020
Pre-selection of candidates for audition: June 15, 2020
Auditions: June 25-26, 2020 (candidates will be interviewed remotely)
Start date: October 1, 2020
Monthly salary: around 1 700€ for a period of 3 years
For more information, please contact Rachid Ridouane.