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Support for the organization of a summer school 2022

If you wish to organize a summer school in 2022, Labex EFL can help you finance your project up to 10 000 euros.

Beneficiaries: members of Labex EFL

Grant amount: Up to 2 summer schools with a maximum budget of 10,000 euros/school

Application deadline: 15 July 2021 (arbitration in October/November by the Labex EFL SC)


To be eligible for support from Labex EFL, the summer school must :

Be organized by at least one of the partner laboratories

Be part of the scientific project of one or more areas of the Labex EFL

Present a draft budget showing the co-financing requested and/or obtained (CNRS, INRIA, etc...) and indicating the feasibility threshold of the project (the support of the Labex is granted provided that the financing obtained exceeds the feasibility threshold).

Communicate on the support obtained from the Labex EFL (Labex logo on the website of the summer school, etc.)


Applications must be sent to the Labex EFL project manager by 15 July 2021 at the latest for the summer schools to be held in 2022. The training manager examines the applications with the management team.

The applications are validated in parallel by the areas concerned, which submit them to the Scientific Council as an annex to their annual budget request.

The decisions are taken by the Scientific Council in October/November.

The project manager proceeds to the payment of the grant voted by the Scientific Council when the amount of funding obtained reaches the feasibility threshold of the project.


1/ The attached application form (1 page maximum)

2/ A complementary document (2 pages maximum)

Detailed description of the project (committees, invited speakers, provisional program,...)

Scientific argument showing how the project fits into the scientific project of one or more axes of the Labex EFL.

Presentation of the budget indicating the feasibility threshold of the project and the list of other funding requested with their amounts, their sources and the timetable for responses for pending funding.


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