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Thematic Training or Conversion Grants 2021

As part of its "Training" component, Labex EFL is launching a new call for applications for "Training or thematic conversion scholarships". This support aims to facilitate the access of doctoral students, researchers and teacher-researchers to high-level international summer schools in the scientific field of the Labex EFL delivering a certification (eg. LSA, ESSLLI).

Primarily aimed at doctoral students from one of the Labex EFL's partner institutions (Université Sorbonne Nouvelle, Université de Paris, Université Sorbonne Paris Nord, INALCO), these scholarships may also be of benefit to Labex members who wish to learn about new methodologies and/or themes in order to reorient their research.

The Labex EFL can finance face-to-face or online training. Eligible expenses within the framework of this support may include all or part of :

  • the cost of registration fees

  • accommodation costs

  • transportation costs

  • visa fees

  • meal costs (up to 15 euros/day - only if meals are not covered by the school)

  • The excellence of the training program offered by the school.

  • the delivery of a certification by the school.

  • the relevance of the link between the summer school and the research themes of the Labex EFL.

1. Constitution of the applications Applications must include:

  • the candidate's CV (maximum 5 pages).

  • the detailed program of the summer school, including the type of certification delivered.

  • the candidate's certificate of registration for the summer school (if the candidate is already registered).

  • an argument written by the candidate in the form of a letter specifying the relevance of this training to his/her personal research project and within the framework of the scientific program of Labex EFL.

  • a letter of support written by the director of the laboratory or by the director of the team to which the candidate belongs and guaranteeing that the certificate received by the candidate will be provided to the Labex EFL project manager at the end of the summer school.

  • a detailed provisional budget specifying, if possible, other funding already obtained and/or requested for participation in the summer school.

  • an excel table attached, duly completed.

2. Application sending

Applications for training grants should be sent to the project manager Christel Préterre (, with a copy to the training manager Emmanuel Cartier (

This call will close on Sunday, January 24, 2021 (midnight).

The selection will be made by the Restricted Scientific Council of the Labex EFL to be held in February 2021.

3. Payment of the scholarship to the beneficiaries

The amount of the scholarship will be paid directly to your bank account approximately one month after the positive vote of the CSR on your application, once the certificate of enrollment in the school has been submitted to the project manager Christel Préterre.

Note: It is the laureate who directly incurs the expenses (e.g. we will not pay the registration fee on your behalf).

The candidate must make sure that he/she specifies in his/her application file whether the registration fees have been paid or not (the fact that they have not yet been paid at the time of responding to the call is not a problem, but this information must be given).

4. Obligations of grant holders towards the Labex

The EFL scholarship winner and the director of the laboratory or team to which the winner belongs undertake to provide the Labex EFL project manager with the following information at the end of the summer school

  • the certificate of participation or validation issued by the summer school.

  • a few lines of summary about the summer school accompanied by a photo of the winner to be published on the Training page of the Labex EFL website. The Labex EFL leaves the responsibility of organizing their stay abroad (transport, accommodation, health or other insurance, etc.) to the beneficiaries of the grants.


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