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Thesis defense - Julie Marsault : "Valency-changing operations in Umóⁿhoⁿ"

The Labex EFL is pleased to announce the thesis defense of Julie Marsault, under the supervision of Pollet Samvelian (Lattice, formerly MII and CeRMI) and Guillaume Jacques (CRLAO), on Tuesday, June 1st at 3pm.

Title : Valency-changing operations in Umóⁿhoⁿ: affixation, incorporation, and syntactic constructions

Jury :

Johannes Helmbrecht, Professor, Universität Regensburg (pre-reporter)

Guillaume Jacques, Research Director, CNRS - CRLAO - Inalco

Agnes Korn, Research Fellow, CNRS - CeRMI

Enrique Palancar, Research Director, CNRS - Sedyl

Catherine Rudin, Professor Emeritus, Wayne State College (pre-rapporteur)

Pollet Samvelian, Professor, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle - Lattice

Lameen Souag, Research Fellow, CNRS - LACITO

The defense will take place online and I will present my paper in English. You are cordially invited to attend, by connecting to the following link : Meeting ID : 934 5076 0275 Secret code : 098669 Participate using a SIP protocol Resume This dissertation presents a detailed study of valency-changing constructions in Umóⁿhoⁿ, a Native North American language. It contributes to a better description and understanding of this language and thereby also to the development of cross-linguistic research on argument structure, valency change, and the morphology-syntax interface. Part I includes a grammatical sketch of Umóⁿhoⁿ and a detailed description of its verbal morphology. It concludes with a general presentation of the existing valency alternations in the language, which take the form of derivations, complex predicates, and syntactic constructions. Part II presents case studies of some of these operations: the different types of causative and applicative constructions, the antipassive, and nominal incorporation. This work addresses in detail the difficult question of interpreting non-overt arguments in a language where some 3rd person arguments are never encoded. It also discusses the distinction between the morphological and the syntactic domains. The eight chapters in Parts I and II are supplemented by extensive appendices and a foreword on the socio-linguistic context of fieldwork.


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