VaLangE is a participatory website that gathers a collection of video clips organised in a thematic database of children filmed in an ecological way during longitudinal studies.
These ethnographies focus on the acquisition of language by young speakers aged 0 to 7, hearing and deaf, monolingual and bilingual. They serve to illustrate, in a few seconds or a few minutes, cognitive, linguistic and socio-cultural phenomena as varied as babbling, the specificities of language addressed to children, the first gestures, self-rectification, negation, reference to time or reference to the self in children in various situations and contexts.
VaLangE offers for each extract a file with metadata, a transcription of the video, a description, an analysis and bibliographical references.
VaLangE represents a wealth of pedagogical tools for teachers. It provides examples (videos, metadata, transcripts, descriptions and analyses) to build lesson plans. The extracts can be used, for example, in linguistics classes to clarify complex notions, in French as a foreign language, or even to illustrate discovery sessions on children's language in primary school.
VaLangE offers illustrations and concrete cases for early childhood professionals: speech therapists, psychologists, school teachers, psychomotricians, paediatricians, etc. These are all specialists whose experience enriches linguistic research in a transdisciplinary approach.
This collection of video extracts constitutes a veritable cultural heritage of children's language practices at the beginning of the 21st century. This is a participatory science and research project, in other words a project that concerns both the scientific community and civil society actors. Any citizen can access and use the video extracts and contribute to the videopedia.
Link to the website: