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Vox 23 : Field linguistics at the service of the population

We tend to think of it as taking place in laboratories, lecture halls or libraries, but linguistics is first and foremost a field science. The analysis of languages is intimately linked to that of their speakers, the populations who bring their culture and identity to life through them.

In this episode, we welcome Anaid Donabedian-Demopoulos, University Professor, Head of Armenian Studies at Inalco, member of the Sedyl Laboratory (Structure and Dynamics of Languages) and Deputy Director of Labex EFL. Throughout her career, Anaid has worked as closely as possible to the populations she has studied, with the perception of a simple idea: linguistics is also a response to the needs of populations for understanding, recognition and valorization, directly linked to their practices and history.

🎵 Enjoy! 🔊

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