The Laboratory of Excellence "Empirical Foundations of Linguistics: Data, Methods, Models" (LabEx EFL) aims to promote innovative interdisciplinary research between the different fields of linguistics and related disciplines, with a particular interest in empirical approaches (corpus analysis and experimental methods).
As part of its "Training" component, the Labex EFL is launching its 11th call for applications for the "Outgoing doctoral mobility grant".
The Labex EFL is a 14-year project funded by the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research (ANR-10-LABX-0083) which brings together 11 research teams (CRLAO, HTL, INCC, Lacito, Lattice, LIPN, Llacan, LLF, LPP, CeRMI, Sedyl) belonging to 4 partner institutions of the Labex EFL (Université Sorbonne Nouvelle, Université Paris Cité, Université Sorbonne Paris Nord and Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales INALCO) in partnership with the Centre National de Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) and the Institut de Recherche et Développement (IRD). It contributes to the IdEx Université Paris Cité (ANR-18-IDEX- 0001).
For this 11th call, the Labex EFL offers mobility grants of a maximum amount of 4000 euros each for a 3-month mobility to PhD students or young doctors who present a research project in line with the scientific objectives of Labex EFL.
(The stay can last for more than 3 months. However, the Labex EFL will only be able to fund a 3-month budget).
The following are eligible for these grants:
Doctoral students registered in one of the Labex EFL partner institutions (U. Sorbonne Nouvelle, U. Paris Cité, U. Sorbonne Paris Nord and INALCO). The mobility must be carried out in 2024.
Doctors who have defended their thesis in one of these institutions after January 2022. The mobility must be carried out in 2024.
Doctoral students and PhDs who have already benefited from a Labex EFL outgoing mobility grant are not eligible for this call.
Visits to one of their supervisory universities by doctoral students in cotutelle are excluded from this call.
1. Constitution of the files
Research project justifying the mobility and in line with the scientific objectives of the Labex EFL: this project must include a scientific argument and publication objectives, describe the host context, present an indicative timetable and a detailed budget forecast (see information below). Applicants must justify the interest of a stay abroad in the framework of their research work.
Letter of welcome from the head of the foreign team/department where the candidate is to be hosted.
Letter of support from the applicant's research director for the mobility project and the application for Labex funding, attesting in particular to the material and scientific feasibility of the project and the applicant's ability to carry it out.
Curriculum Vitae and any element attesting to the academic level and scientific quality of the applicant.
Estimated budget
Accepted expenses are:
transportation costs (to the place of mobility and internal transportation)
food and personal expenses (up to 900 euros for three months)
accommodation costs,
insurance and/or visa costs
The provisional budget must also mention any co-financing obtained or in the process of being examined.
2. Submission of applications
Deadline for submission of applications: August 23, 2023 (23:59 - Paris time)
Applications should be sent to Christel Préterre, project manager of Labex EFL (christel.preterre@u-paris.fr) copy to Barbara Hemforth, Director of Labex EFL (barbara.hemforth@linguist.univ-paris-diderot.fr) and Stefano Manfredi, responsible for
Training (stefano.manfredi@cnrs.fr).
3. Selection of candidates and communication of results
The selection is made by the Restricted Scientific Council of the Labex EFL on the basis of the scientific quality of the applications, the feasibility of the proposed projects and their adequacy to the scientific objectives of the Labex.
Applicants will be informed individually of the results in September 2023.
4. Payment of the grant to the recipients
The amount of the grant will be paid to the candidates within two months before their departure (if the documents required for the bank transfer have been submitted sufficiently early enough). Candidates agree to inform the Labex EFL project manager, Christel Préterre, as soon as possible and to return the grant if their stay is cancelled.
5. Obligations of grant holders towards Labex
At the end of their stay, grant holders must send the Labex project manager, Christel Préterre, a report of no more than 15 pages describing the mobility undertaken (presentation of the host team, contacts established and prospects for collaboration) and presenting the scientific achievements of the stay, in particular its interest for the thesis in progress and/or the publications envisaged. This report must be validated by the thesis director and accompanied by a 15-line summary intended to be posted on the Training page of the Labex EFL website and to be attached to the Labex EFL activity report.
All publications resulting from the work carried out or from collaborations set up during the stay must mention "this work was financed / partially financed by Labex EFL (ANR-10-LABX-0083)" and must be sent to the Labex project manager. All these publications will be included in the Labex EFL activity report.
Labex EFL leaves the responsibility of organizing their stay abroad (transportation, accommodation, health or other insurance, etc...) to the beneficiaries of the grants.
What is the duration of the Labex EFL project, and who is its primary funding source?