If you are a doctoral student from one of the Labex EFL establishments, or a researcher or teacher-researcher who is a member of the Labex, you can apply for funding to take part in a high-level international school leading to certification.
This will be the only call for 2024.
Applications for training grants should be sent to the project manager Christel Préterre (christel.preterre@u-paris.fr), with a copy to the training manager Stefano Manfredi (stefano.manfredi@cnrs.fr).
Deadline for applications: 14 March 2024 (23:59).
Applications must include :
the applicant's CV (maximum 5 pages).
detailed programme of the summer school, including the type of certification awarded.
the applicant's certificate of enrolment in the summer school (if the applicant is already enrolled).
an argument written by the applicant in the form of a letter specifying the relevance of this training to his/her personal research project and within the framework of the Labex EFL scientific programme.
a letter of support written by the director of the laboratory or the director of the team to which the candidate belongs, guaranteeing that the certificate received by the candidate will be provided to the Labex EFL project manager at the end of the summer school.
a detailed provisional budget specifying, if possible, any other funding already obtained and/or requested for participation in the summer school.
an excel table below, duly completed.
Find all the information about the call in the document below