Manager : Rachid Ridouane LPP – Université Sorbonne-Nouvelle; co-responsable : Elisabeth Delais-Roussarie – Université de Nantes
Phonological and phonetic phenomena and units must be considered complex because they result from the interaction of totally independent constraints (articulatory, perceptual and auditory constraints, linguistic and systemic constraints, etc.).
The objectives of this component are threefold:
- To study phenomena related to phonetics, phonology and their interfaces in standard and non-standard language (speech and voice disorders, L2 learners), in order to better understand the physical and structural properties of speech sounds;
- To develop an integrative approach by taking advantage of a wide range of complementary perspectives with specialists in different fields, and new technological advances (databases, data mining and new equipment for the study of speech organs);
- Promote interdisciplinary collaborations between linguists, physicians, speech-language pathologists and language teachers, and the development of applications for language learning and teaching (CP4), and for assessment and remediation in the clinical context (CP3, CP5). Two start-ups are envisaged (see workpackage PPC10).
These objectives will be achieved through an innovative approach combining complementary perspectives and paradigms: experimental and evolutionary phonetics and phonology, corpus-based approaches, clinical phonetics, language acquisition and learning, and language typology.
Our research project will benefit from revolutionary technological advances that will open up new perspectives. Thanks to the increasingly sophisticated instruments implemented in the LPP-Paris3 PEP2 physiological platform, the simultaneous capture of the movements of all speech organs becomes more and more accessible, allowing a more global vision of speech production and phonology. The psycholinguistic experiments will test the psychological reality of the studied linguistic constructions and their treatment. In collaboration with Strand 3, evolutionary phonology, which unifies diachronic and synchronic perspectives, will draw on the important CRLAO and Lacito databases for more than 50 languages, and will provide a valuable means of arriving at independent laws of phonological change. The clinical phonetics and language learning studies (in L1 or L2) will focus on non-standard systems (altered or in the process of acquisition, respectively).
Finally, corpus-based or speech exploration approaches will allow both quantitative and qualitative analysis of speech data. The enormous progress made in recent decades in information technology (including automatic speech and language processing) allows us to envisage new tools for automatically exploring large corpora. This program will rely partly on existing shared annotated corpora, partly on newly produced corpora and annotations related to Labex EFL former Strand 6.
Our project is also guided by our commitment to work in parallel on different populations and types of data (normal and deficient speakers, native and non-native speakers, longitudinal data, inter and intra-speaker data, multilingual data, etc.).
This combination of new experimental techniques and original vocal material opens stimulating research perspectives for the future and will help to shed light on a wide range of fundamental questions in phonetics and phonology. Innovative achievements are also expected for society as a whole and for more specific fields. Applied tools and resources will be designed for diagnosis and remediation in the clinical field, language teaching and pronunciation training in education, and singing techniques in the arts.
1- LABFIELD : Bringing the lab into the field
1.1 WP1 : Subsaharan Africa
1.2 WP2 : North Africa
1.3 WP3 : Saharan Africa
1.4 WP4 : Asia
Responsables :
D. Demolin (LPP, Paris3)
G. Jacques (CRLAO)
A. Michaud (LACITO)
M. Van de Velde (LLACAN)
2- PHUCS : Phonological units: content and structure
2.1 PHUCS 1: Phonological contrasts and phonetic implementation
2.2 PHUCS 2: Cross-linguistic speech perception: large-scale modelling of phonetic vs phonological effects
2.3 PHUCS 3: Sound change and sound patterns
2.4 PHUCS 4: Sociophonétique et grammaires polylectales
Responsables :
R. Ridouane (LPP, P3)
E. Dunbar (LLF)
K. Chirkova (CRLAO)
3- PROVS : Prosodic variation and structuring
3.1 PROVS 1: Syllable complexity and phonotactic diversity
3.2 PROVS 2: Timing effects
3.3 PROVS 3: Speech intelligibilityResponsables :
Responsables :
I. Chitoran (CLILLAC-ARP)
M. Adda-Decker (LPP, P3)
4- SPEL : Speech Production in Learner Varieties
4.1 SPEL 1: The phonetic implementation of phonological categories in L1
4.2 SPEL 2: Phonetic and phonological categories and reorganization in L2 learner production
Responsables :
N. Yamaguchi (LPP, P3)
G. Turco (LLF)
5- CIVI : Coordination in verbal interactions
5.1 CIVI 1: The coordination of verbal and nonverbal behaviour in conversational settings.
5.2 CIVI 2: Coordinative aspects of behavioural adaptation and speech convergence in verbal interactions.
5.3 CIVI 3: Contribution of an interactional setting to L2 learning and to the treatment of speech pathologies.
5.4 CIVI 4: Gesture and prosody from a multimodal perspective.
Responsables :
L. Lancia (LPP, P3)
S. Falk (LPP-P3)
6- PATH : From normal to pathological: variations of voice and speech
6.1 PATH 1: Linguistic, paralinguistic and artistic uses of voice and speech: variability and flexibility of the production system
6.2 PATH 2: Disorders of voice and speech: variability and alterability of the production system
6.3 PATH 3: Aging in voice and speech: maturation and decline of the production system
6.4 PATH 4: Perceptual impact of voice and speech variation on communication and speaker representation
Responsables :
C. Pillot-Loiseau (LPP, P3),
N. Audibert (LPP, P3)