Poorly documented, poorly known, invisible even in China, its own country, the Uyghur language remains a shadowy area of modern linguistics. It is to the stimulating and demanding task of giving it a new scientific impetus that our guests of the day have set themselves.
Zulipiye Yusupujiang is a doctoral student, and Jonathan Ginzburg, a teacher-researcher at the Université Paris Cité, member of the LLF and of the UFR d'études anglophones, is directing her doctoral thesis. Together, they have built a protocol for the Uyghur dispora in order to collect significant amounts of data on the Uyghur language, in spontaneous conversation.
A scientific and sociological goldmine that will inspire researchers and contribute to documenting a language at the heart of the storm.
Let's discover their work in this new episode of Vox!
(Language of the podcast: English)
Useful links:
Preliminary article (2019) explaining the work: https://www.sigdial.org/files/workshops/conference20/proceedings/cdrom/pdf/W19-5937.pdf
Recent article to be found on Jonathan Ginzburg's personal page : https://sites.google.com/site/jonathanginzburgswebsite/publications
Recent article on the Uyghur corpus : http://www.lrec-conf.org/proceedings/lrec2022/pdf/2022.lrec-1.336.pdf
🎵 Good listening ! 🔊