Vox: the Labex EFL podcast about linguistics
It's a trendy format. Labex EFL is proud to present "Vox", its in-house podcast entirely dedicated to linguistics. Bringing the voice of...
Vox: the Labex EFL podcast about linguistics
The 14th Syntax and Semantics Conference in Paris December 9-11, 2021
Vox 1 : "Bilingualism: between language acquisition and opening to the world"
Save the date: Labex EFL Symposium on June 9, 2021
PhD position in computational linguistics
Job offer : PhD grant in experimental linguistics
Launch of the 3rd call for training or thematic conversion grant 2021
Fully-funded PhD position in computational linguistics
Vox 2 : Le babillage des bébés
Retour sur le Symposium 2020